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Anders Thoresson

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My Top Newsletter Picks Right Now
In a Slack thread at work, we started sharing newsletter recommendations. These are mine.

First test. A short thought captured using iOS Shortcuts, pushed to GitHub, and built on Netlify. Or?

Testing incremental builds on Netlify.

Auto-push from iOS – fingers crossed 🤞

Got a recommendation to have a look at WorkingCopy, a Git client/editor for iOS, for a mobile workflow for posting to this blog. Seems to be exactly what I needed for getting new posts online. And as a bonus, it integrates with iA Writer!

I'm just getting up to speed with Git. What a thing. Amazing to have the equivalent of "Save Game" in your code editor. And how it would have helped me when I wrote my books!

This is just a quick scribble, without a title. For short notes, Mastodon-style on my own site.

We need to refine our discourse on Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence is an incredibly expansive concept. It encompasses a plethora of technological innovations and ways to utilize them. If we're to find the right way to use this tech, we need to sharpen our conversations about AI. Only then can we apply it correctly and for the right purposes.

Note-taking, note-thinking, AI, and peripheral vision

Finite feeds and friendly friction
How a little road bump in your iPhone nudges you to make more deliberate decisions on where you spend your time.

Social media, algorithms, user control, and server costs
What I want is better control over the algorithms, both on a general level and also access to some settings to fine-tune how they perform.

Tinkering with tools is not necessarily procrastination
You have to practice to become better. And trying out tools – be it features you are not using in your current one or exploring something completely new – is a way to practice.

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