🛠️ At the moment I'm rebuilding this site. If not everything works as expected, please get in touch!

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Anders Thoresson

My feed

I'm just getting up to speed with Git. What a thing. Amazing to have the equivalent of "Save Game" in your code editor. And how it would have helped me when I wrote my books!

This is just a quick scribble, without a title. For short notes, Mastodon-style on my own site.

We need to refine our discourse on Artificial Intelligence

Note-taking, note-thinking, AI, and peripheral vision

Finite feeds and friendly friction

Social media, algorithms, user control, and server costs

Tinkering with tools is not necessarily procrastination

Put a personal domain name under the Christmas tree

Three thoughts on Tana

Obsidian plugins and future proof notes

What is the exit plan for your notes?

In a data-driven world, data theft is not your only concern

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